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Twinkling/Baby Room 6months - 2yrs

We offer a daily routine that includes:

'Free play time' this is a generous amount of time given throughout the day to explore objects around the room.

'Small group work' when adults provide a led activity based on interests the children have shown. These activities cater for each individual child’s needs, so differentiated support will be offered.

'Large group time' this is a time when children engage in an activity as a large group and will often be a more physical activity. A baby room needs to combine a sense of spaciousness with intimacy, allowing free movement for mobile children and a quieter area for babies not yet able to move by themselves." Goldschmied and Jackson
Divided into separate areas to accommodate learning through play the room offers space for up to nine babies. The quiet, black white and red cosy area and twinkling stars ceiling for a relaxing creative environment. The larger area is used for physical activities, sand and water, music, table top activities, role play and meal times.

Example Daily Routine: 

8.00 am Arrival/ Choice of free play
8.15-9.00 Breakfast
9.00-9.15 Circle Time
9.15-10.00 Spontaneous/Focused activities
10.00-10.30 Snack/Calming music
10.30-11.00 Garden Time
11.00-11.30 Singing/Story time
11.15-12.00 Lunch time
12.00-14.00 Sleep time
13.00-13.10 Home time/Arrival
13.15-13.30 Circle time/Quite activities
14.00-14.30 Snack/Calming music
14.30-15.30 Focused / Child initiated play / Sensory play
15.15-16.00 Tea time
16.00-16.20 Garden Time
16.20-17.00 Circle time activity / Songs / Rhymes / Home time

These times are flexible and can change depending on the child’s needs.

*The care routines, e.g meal times, toileting and nappy changing are very good opportunities for the staff to build relationships with children. Meal times are made to be sociable and enjoyable.